Joseph Sweeney


University of Connecticut School of Engineering
GPA: 3.94/4.00
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Computer Science and Engineering)
Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honors Society
Dean's List Engineering, Spring 2015-Present
Graduation Date: May 2018


NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Software Development Intern Summer 2017
Designed, implemented, and tested a custom version controlled database to enable retrieval of data from any point in time. Worked with a team to refine API to implement a reliable and functional web service.
Technical Environment: Python, Flask, Git
UConn CORE Lab Software Developer August 2016-Present
Implemented features from a specification to improve web site UI and UX. Learned a codebase quickly to ship production ready code.
Technical Environment: JavaScript, React, MobX, Webpack, PHP, Laravel
The Mitre Corporation Software Development Intern Summer 2016
Developed and implemented algorithms to meet design goals of a responsive web application used by the Air Force. Collaborated with a team of six other interns to successfully develop a functional software product.
Technical Environment: JavaScript, D3.js, AngularJS


Delaunay Triangulation in Arbitrary Dimensions - GitHub
For a computational geometry class, I completed a group project where we implemented an easy to use Python library that can compute the Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Diagram of any given point set. I specifically contributed implementations of geometric alglorithms that are functional in any dimension.
Checkers AI - GitHub
I worked in a team of four people to build a checkers AI in Java. We used an alpha-beta pruned minimax search, with an evaluation function that learned weights using least squares regression.
Pong AI - GitHub
I worked on an extra project independently where I built an AI that plays pong in JavaScript. This AI used simulated annealing (a probabilistic search) to find an effective policy for its actions based off the current state of the game.
Interactive Geometric Markup Language - GitHub
For my senior design project, I'm building the front end visualization and interactive interface for a new geometric markup language we're developing. Currently, all rendering in being done with WebGL in Javascript, but will be implemented in other graphics API's in the future.
Research in Stochastic Processes
For my Honor's Thesis, I am currently exploring applications of the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm for search problems where exact solutions are not required. In addition, I'm learning a technique called Markov chain coupling, used to bound the convergence time of Markov Chains.
VersionDB - GitHub
This is a Python library that uses Git to manage versioned data. I am currently expanding upon this idea to build a full data management solution, implemented from the ground up in pure C.


Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, C, Java, Standard ML, Smalltalk
Frameworks/Libraries: React, D3.js, Flask, THREE.js, AngularJS, MobX, Webpack, Laravel
Experience working on an Agile development team.
Git version control and Unix experience